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Welcome EVERYONE Welcome!!

Hello Hello!! My name is Alex Band (for those of you who don't already know me!)

I am the lead singer/songwriter and creator of the band "The Calling" and I would LOVE to welcome you to the long overdue launch of the all new website for my band, The Calling! You have come to the very same website address that I've held on to all these years, ever since The Calling first broke onto the scene back in 2001 with a little song called "Wherever You Will Go!" Technology has come a long way since those days, back when we used to get thousands of actual REAL fan-mail dropped off to us every week in giant bags from all around the world...but no matter how hard I tried I could never keep up! So needless to say, I am looking VERY forward to using this website in new exciting ways to include you all in The Calling's all new adventure!

There's a lot of work ahead as we must climb the mountain again to get to the top, but I know we can all do it together! You fans and friends out there reading this right now who have stayed by my side since the beginning, bless you and thank you from the bottom of my heart...AND all you newer fans, I look so forward to getting to know you and meeting you on tour! The Calling WILL be performing all across the world this year, starting right here in the US, so make sure to sign up and keep an eye on the Tour section.

Also, everyone please know that this is of course just the beginning stages of this website as well... it will grow with us into exactly what we all want it to be so message us whenever you may have an idea or any sort of input that can better what soon will become our comfortable home... here at!

So, let's begin!!

Sooooo much more to come, so please sign up and keep coming back!

All the love...... AB

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